Advanced VX 8" Newtonian Telescope
CelestronDescription The Advanced VX (AVX) sets a new standard in mid-level telescopes, providing many of the features found on Celestron’s most sophisticat...
View full detailsAdvanced VX 8" Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
CelestronDescription The Advanced VX (AVX) sets a new standard in mid-level telescopes, providing many of the features found on Celestron’s most sophisticat...
View full detailsAdvanced VX 8" EdgeHD Telescope
CelestronDescription The Advanced VX (AVX) sets a new standard in mid-level telescopes, providing many of the features found on Celestron’s most sophisticat...
View full detailsCGEM II 800 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
CelestronDescription The CGEM II 800 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope features Celestron’s premium StarBright XLT coated optics and the newly redesigned CGEM I...
View full detailsCGEM II 800 EdgeHD Telescope
CelestronDescription CGEM II 800 HD combines Celestrons newly redesigned CGEM II computerized equatorial mount with its acclaimed EdgeHD optical system. Wit...
View full detailsCGX Equatorial 800 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope
CelestronDescription The CGX 800 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope features Celestron’s premium StarBright XLT coated optics and the all-new state of the art CGX...
View full detailsCGX Equatorial 800 HD Telescope
CelestronDescription CGX 800 HD combines Celestrons all-new state of the art CGX computerized equatorial mount with its acclaimed EdgeHD optical system. Wit...
View full detailsCPC Deluxe 800 HD Computerized Telescope
CelestronDescription Combine top-of-the-line performance with unlimited versatility and you have the CPC Deluxe 800HD. From a casual night of backyard obser...
View full detailsCPC 800 GPS (XLT) Computerized Telescope
CelestronDescription 8" diffraction limited Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope Celestrons premium StarBright XLT coatings Fully computerized dual fork arm Altazi...
View full detailsNexStar Evolution 8 HD Telescope with StarSense
CelestronDescription The NexStar Evolution keeps evolving. We’ve paired our best optics with our best technology to make an incredible versatile and portabl...
View full detailsNexStar Evolution 8 Telescope
CelestronDescription Celestron’s signature telescopes reach a new level with NexStar Evolution 8, the first Schmidt-Cassegrain telescope with integrated WiF...
View full detailsC8 Optical Tube Assembly (CGE Dovetail)
CelestronDescription The Celestron C8-A is the direct (but much improved) descendent of Celestron’s revolutionary C8 that transformed the hobby of astronomy...
View full detailsCGEM II 800 Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Astrograph (RASA) Telescope
CelestronDescription This kit combines the 8” Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Astrograph (RASA) with the CGEM II EQ mount. Simply add a camera and this package offer...
View full detailsCGX 800 Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Astrograph (RASA) Telescope
CelestronDescription This kit combines the 8” Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Astrograph (RASA) with the state-of-the-art CGX German equatorial mount. Simply add a c...
View full detailsAdvanced VX 800 Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Astrograph (RASA) Telescope
CelestronDescription This kit combines the 8” Rowe-Ackermann Schmidt Astrograph (RASA) with the strong-yet-portable Advanced VX (AVX) German equatorial moun...
View full detailsAdvanced VX 9.25" EdgeHD Telescope
CelestronDescription The 9.25” EdgeHD Advanced VX (AVX) telescope is a specialized instrument designed for astrograph-quality images that sets a new standar...
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