Limited-Lifetime-Warranty for CMOS-optimized Baader filters
A Baader Planetarium exclusive. Filters incorporating Baader Planetarium’s Life-Coat™ technology are so durable that Baader Planetarium warrants the coatings for the life of the filter. Baader Planetarium has developed Life-Coat™ using materials and processes that result in coatings which will not degrade or fail for a lifetime. Life-Coat™ coatings resist moisture, temperature extremes, and are hardened to withstand normal cleanings.
Baader Planetarium guarantees their Life-Coat™ coatings will not peel, flake or physically degrade and will withstand repeated cleaning with fine optical cleaning equipment. The Limited Lifetime Warranty applies to the original purchaser and does not cover failure from mis-use, physical damage through improper handling, or improper cleaning.